Henio Dzióbek Wiki

DarkPopplio94 DarkPopplio94 14 lip 2018

where am i

Well, The creator of me and Jack's roleplay, Darkie, has been kidnapped and i been trapped since May, putting our roleplay series on hiatus. Since Claire kindly helped me get freed, I will continue the roleplay series in August. So stay tuned!

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Shadow241 Shadow241 1 cze 2018


Wiki jest fajna i lepiej mi się pracuje (jednak nie podbije Angelo Rządzi Wiki).

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DarkPopplio94 DarkPopplio94 19 maj 2018

Taking a break from wikia

Well, Since i am soooo busy with stuff, I decided to take a break from Wikia and also im sorry for this but i'm putting the roleplay on hiatus. So maybe i will come back in August. I will not give up to finish tho. So. See you in August guys! Peace! :)

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DarkPopplio94 DarkPopplio94 5 maj 2018


Ok, I have been much busy so i haven't been able to do the roleplay today. Jack, I promise, we will continue the roleplay probably the 10th of May if i am not busy k?

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DarkPopplio94 DarkPopplio94 21 kwi 2018


soz for the delay, i was installing gmod and playing pk ultra moon, i will start roleplaying again in may, promise!!!

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DarkPopplio94 DarkPopplio94 17 kwi 2018


hey today is my birthday, im 13, i will resume roleplaying tomorrow

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DarkPopplio94 DarkPopplio94 13 kwi 2018


I will return tonight to roleplaying, Be ready Jack!

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DarkPopplio94 DarkPopplio94 8 kwi 2018


Hey guys, well i have an apology to make, I haven't been that active, i was gonna put the roleplay that was on months on hold but now i decided to come back and finish it. Tomorrow, i will roleplay and try to finish the whole entire season of the roleplay. Tomorrow.

) - Darkiee

For Jack.

EDIT 4/12/18 Soz for the delay, I was supposed to start on Thursday but Wikia was acting up. So i will start tomorrow.

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MY Wikia history

I actually did this blog in the Breadwinners Wikia, But I’m doing it here instead because I know I will be here more often.

  • 1 November 2014
  • 2 December 2014
  • 3 January 2015
  • 4 Febuary 2015
  • 5 March 2015
  • 6 April 2015
  • 7 May 2015
  • 8 June 2015
  • 9 July 2015
  • 10 August 2015
  • 11 September 2015
  • 12 October 2015
  • 13 November 2015

The Breadwinners wiki is the wiki where I started editing overall, it was back in November 13, 2014. I had a lot of fun with the editing, though I wasn't that great at editing. I made small and meh edits. My very first edit was adding the synopsis for Pondgea’s Got Talent]]. Also, I was User: at the time. I replied on the first thread at November 17, I think. It was the "Which episode did SwaySway and Buhdeuce teach their pet Jelly how to fetch" …

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MagicStars MagicStars 22 wrz 2017

Hejka Hejka

Co tam?

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Harvey Beaks Person Harvey Beaks Person 9 maj 2017

My Relationships

I enjoy doing roleplay a lot. Here are the relationships I have between the characters. Including Jack. I've been currently role playing with him so much.

  • 1 My Personality
  • 2 My Relationships
    • 2.1 Jack
    • 2.2 Harvey
    • 2.3 Fee
    • 2.4 Foo

I am very nice and very helpful with anything. I enjoy watching Harvey Beaks a lot. I am shown to have a great relationship with Jack, Harvey, Fee, and Foo.

Jack is one of my best friends. We are shown to have a great bond in the roleplay. He helps me out when I get in many situation. Like in "Cris's Bad Zituation" and "Swimming Root-ine". We also work together to help Harvey and his friends. We even get into situations together like in "Sticky Situation".

Harvey is one of my favorite characters and my best friend. I am very nice to …

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Harvey Beaks Person Harvey Beaks Person 9 maj 2017

My relationships

I enjoy doing roleplay a lot. Here are the relationships I have between the characters. Including Jack. I've been currently role playing with him so much.

I am very nice and very helpful with anything. I enjoy watching Harvey Beaks a lot. I am shown to have a great relationship with Jack, Harvey, Fee, and Foo.

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About my roleplays

There's something I'd like to do, in which I never actually thought about before. How exactly do I get along with the characters? So here are the relationships I have between the characters. This includes Cris since I am currently role playing with her, and a few other things about myself in the roleplays.

  • 1 Personality
  • 2 Relationships
    • 2.1 Cris
    • 2.2 Harvey
    • 2.3 Michelle
    • 2.4 Miriam
    • 2.5 Irving
    • 2.6 Fee
    • 2.7 Foo
    • 2.8 Piri Piri
    • 2.9 Claire
    • 2.10 Kratz
    • 2.11 Jeremy
    • 2.12 Technobear
    • 2.13 Blister

I'm a very sweet person, and I'm very friendly. I may get very defensive at times, but that never stops me from having fun. Out of the characters, I am very to Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Beaks, Fee, and Blister.

Cris is one of my best friends. We talk a lot outside of roleplays, Wrll, we're doing mos…

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Sndertale EditPL Sndertale EditPL 10 sty 2017



........................                                                                                                                                                                .........................


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Episode idea/Foo's Crush

Based on one of my roleplays, I've actually have a Harvey Beaks episode idea which is about Foo's own crush.

"Foo's Crush" - When Claire discovers that Foo has a crush on someone else, she tries to make Foo jealous of her by proving to him that she and her "boyfriend" is a much better couple.

The episode starts with Claire writing one of her anime comics. She says to her self "And...done!" as she is finishing her anime comic on Foo. Then rushes inside her house so that she could put her comic on her anime comic collection. Then she thinks about if Foo feels the same way about her. Meanwhile, Harvey and the twins are playing hide and seek. Foo is about to hide, when she sees a pretty character. His eyes turn into hearts as he is saying "Whoa…

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Top 6 upcoming Harvey Beaks episodes I'm the most excited for

6. "Wade is Cooler than Dade""

5. "Alone"

4. "Why Are You Even Friends?"

3. "Fee and Foo's First Birthday"

2. "The Punishment"

1. "FooFee"

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Spongebobkotek123 Spongebobkotek123 27 sty 2016

Opowiadania (Stories)

To moje opowiadania,które napisałam.Myślę,że wam się spodobają.

A oto jedno z nich:

,,Pewnego razu była sobie trójka przyjaciół:niebieski ptak,który nazywał się Henio,zielona kaczka o imieniu Bodzio oraz żółta gąbke Spongebob.Cała trójka miała za zadanie odnalezienie trzech cennych artefaktów:złotej szpachelki,klejnotu przyjaźni oraz kromki prawdy.Postanowili,że najpierw ustalą,gdzie się znajdują,a potem obiorą jak najkrótsządrogę,przy czym zaoszczędzą zapasy,które,niestety,ciągle się uszczuplały. Gdy zbliżali się do złotej szpachelki,ich drogę zastąpił Sanjay i powiedział,że wyzywa kogoś z nich na konkurs,w którym trzeba pobić Sanjaya bąk.Bodzio powiedział,że chętnie się z nim zmierzy pod warunkiem,że jeśli przegra,i tak będzie mógł wziąć s…

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Harvey Beaks Number 1 Fan Harvey Beaks Number 1 Fan 15 paź 2015

Favorite scene from each episode

"Pe-Choo!" - Harvey going crazy.

"The Spitting Tree" - Scene near the end with Harvey Fee and Foo falling.

"The Finger" - Miriam: This is a pregnancy book.

"The Negatives of Bieng Positively Charged" - The "What'll I Do" song.

"The Rentl Bike" - Harvey and Foo fall down the hill.

"Anti-Valentine's Day" - Harvey's Rude Letter.

"Nightclub Night" - Technobear calling Fee "Girl Foo".

"The Rebel" - Miriam: Who added laundry to the opsticle course? Jeremy: Opsticle course? Oh, I thought Harvey was doing my chores for free.

"Harvey's First Scar" - Tie between Harvey showing off his scars to everyone at the end and, Dade: Why is this happening? (Crying)

"The Nature of Nature" - The machine ripping off Foo's pants.

"A Tail of Les Squirrels" - Fee going blind…

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